Realities of Sharing Power

The Liberal Democrats are having their big annual conference this week.

Apparently some in the party are wrestling with their consciences - over the realities of being part of the coalition government.

Well, what exactly did these people expect?

The Liberal Democrats were never going to win power on their own - at Westminster or anywhere else for that matter.

The Labour Party took fright at the prospect of a deal with the Lib Dems - so they made a decision to provide the country with a stable government - and struck an agreement with the Conservatives instead.

The only alternatives were to have either the Conservatives or Labour try and govern on their own - as minority administrations - or call another election.

The first option would have brought chaos and lasted only months - the second may not have changed anything - or perhaps made the outcome even worse.

So the Lib Dems should stop bleating and wringing their hands - they've got a job to do and should get on with it - either they want to be a party of protest or a party that shares power.

Sharing power is always messy - but all of the parties do so when it suits them - not just the Lib Dems, but all the others as well.

For example - Labour formed the administration in South Lanarkshire Council - but only with the support of the Conservatives.

Labour is in coalition with Plaid Cymru in the Wales Assembly.

The Lib Dems pushed Labour out of power in Edinburgh City Council - but only with SNP support.

So for goodness sake stop the carping and moaning - and let's have some grown up politics.

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