Openness and Transparency

The BBC has finally bowed to pressure from the government and FOI campaigners.

The corporation has at last agreed to give a public spending watchdog - the National Audit Office (NAO) - unrestricted access to most of its budgets and accounts.

The NAO will now be given free rein to examine the salaries paid to top BBC stars - which has been the source of much public comment and controversy.

But the BBC's decision was taken only after government ministers threatened to bring in new legislation - aimed at reforming public bodies - which seems to have persuaded the BBC finally to comply.

So we now wait with baited breath to see what the NAO will uncover.

Because if the BBC had nothing to hide or be ashamed about - why not just open the books and let people decide for themselves?

Previous examinations by the NAO have shown that the BBC spent £250,000 on a purpose built studio for the Euro 2008 football championships.

Because BBC executives did not like the view from the premises offered by the organisers.

Now that does seem like a real waste of public money.

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