Glasgow - From 'No Mean' to 'No Clean' City

I agree with Lorraine - Glasgow is a 'dumper's paradise, see posts below from the blog archive.
Glasgow Is A Dumper's Paradise! (April 05, 2024)
One of the main reasons Glasgow has such a big litter problem is that the city's politicians don't take the issue seriously - astonishingly some insist all the city needs is a wee 'spruce up'!
For example, the council encourages citizens to phone a special hotline to bring Dumb Dumpers to book, but if a public spirited citizen actually calls 0845 230 4090 a- recorded message says you've dialled 'an incorrect number'.
Glasgow City Council - You Cannot Be Serious! (November 18, 2022)
I also reported the non-existent hotline to my local Glasgow councillors - on which more to follow soon.
But what does this say about how seriously the Council is taking the issue?
Dumb Dumpers, Dumb Hotlines and Glasgow Council (July 27, 2022)
When I discovered that Glasgow Council's 'dumb dumpers' hotline didn't even work the thought that went through my head was:
How come one of the city's senior councillors didn't realise this was all phoney and complete waste of time?
I mean to say, surely someone within the city council was monitoring the system and asking pointed questions such as:
1) How many reports have we received this month/year?
2) How many 'dumb dumpers' have we brought to book and prosecuted?
3) How are we sharing news of the council's 'success' in cleaning up Glasgow and encouraging more local people to get involved?
Glasgow - Gets Tough With The Fly-Tippers (July 26, 2022)
I say SNP led Glasgow Council is in denial over the filthy state of the city's streets and public spaces.
Thing is when you ring the Council hotline you get a recorded message which says:
"You've dialled an incorrect number, please check the number and try again."
So has the Council put its very best people on the job or is the SNP leadership just having a laugh?