Galveston - Glenn Campbell

I didn't appreciate until recently that the song 'Galveston' made famous by Glen Campbell was actually an anti-war song which had its words subtly changed in the version which became a big hit in 1969.

Apparently 'Galveston' was sung originally by a chap called Don Ho and the words tell of a soldier waiting to go into battle while thinking of his sweetheart back home in Galveston, Texas.

But the original words "Wonder if she could forget me, I'd go home if they would let me, put down this gun and go to Galveston" were replaced with "I still hear your sea waves crashing/while I watch the cannons flashing/I clean my gun/And dream of Galveston."

In this YouTube video Glen Campbell discusses the song and a slower delivery with the songwriter, Jimmy Webb, who penned a whole number of big hits including MacArthur Park.


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