The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht - Meet Jenny Lindsay


Jenny Lindsay, a Scottish poet, was the target of a unbelievably vicious 'cancel campaign' after criticising this call for violence against women in the Skinny magazine - from a well known trans activist: 

"I [have] received much criticism for demanding violent action against these TERFs … While my comments were extreme, I stand by what I said. Any trans allies at #PrideLondon right now need to step the fuck up and take out the TERF trash. Get in their faces. Make them afraid. Debate never works so fuck them up."

Jenny responded with the following Twitter post:

"Hello! One of your commentators here advocates violence against lesbian activists at Pride. I find it extraordinary that such views are given an airing in The Skinny, and, for clarity, the “I stand by what I said” refers to beating up “TERFs”, i.e. women. At Pride. Just FYI."

Shortly afterwards the roof fell in on Jenny's world as former friends and people she'd never even met tried to ruin her life and livelihood - here are a few extracts from Jenny's chapter in 'The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht'.

"Some of the responses to the conversation on Facebook were surreal. A woman I have never met screenshot my comments and posted them to Twitter, alongside my name and photo, tagging in Creative Scotland to a twenty-tweet thread, saying saying I should never receive funding again, and was a ‘colonialist’."

"But behind the scenes, away from the battleground of social media, things were worse. My publisher received complaints about me from fellow poets and threatened to ‘distance’ himself from me if I continued to ‘punch down’ on trans people. 

"He refused to divulge any more information than that, refused to tell me exactly what the ‘planned protest’ against my book launch was; only that one had been decided on and then called off.

"An ‘Open Letter on Transphobia’ was penned by a former friend, alongside other trans-identifying poets. Signatories to this letter included people involved with Scottish PEN, academics, my own publisher, people I had mentored, and even someone I had collaborated with creatively for four years. 

"Over 250 people signed. Every name I recognised was an emotional stabbing. The letter claimed the SPL should not platform women with gender critical views, making use of the initial judgment against Maya Forstater that such views were not ‘worthy of respect in a democratic society’."

Scottish literature should hang its head in shame - as should all the public figures who stood by and watched or, worse still, took part in this ghastly, sadistic witch hunt by trans activists.

Jenny's own book 'Hounded' will be published in September. 

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