Riddle Me This, Mr Swinney?

If Scottish ministers are 'skint' and face £500+ million in budget cuts, why are you supporting an eye-watering 20% pay increase for local councillors which will cost taxpayers an extra £8 million a year?

Scotland's councillors are already the best paid in the UK, of course and there is no credible case for paying part-time, backbench councillors a full-time salary - especially when so many councillors already have 2nd and 3rd paying jobs.

SNP and Councillors Pay (August 27, 2024)

John Swinney keeps telling us the Scottish Government has no money to spare - that their coffers and cupboards are bare!

So why are SNP Ministers pushing for a completely unjustified 20% pay increase for local councillors which will cost the taxpayer an extra £8 million a year!


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