Party On, Dudes! (July 13, 2023)

SNP ministers were chauffeur driven home after a knees-up in Edinburgh to mark Nicola Sturgeon leaving the Scottish government.

Humza Yousaf, his deputy Shona Robison were ferried home at public expense along with health secretary Michael Matheson, equalities minister Christina McKelvie, her husband Keith Brown, Elena Whitham (community safety), Clare Haughey (former children's minister), Neil Gray (wellbeing secretary), Mairi McAllan (environment minister) Tom Arthur (finance minister) Angela Constance (justice secretary) and John Swinney.

Peter Murrell was present although it is not known if he and Nicola Sturgeon were chauffeured back to Glasgow, as her travel records are not released on 'safety' grounds. 

The Scottish government defended the use of the car service because of the need for security and to protect secret documents - which is, of course, complete baloney. 


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