SNP, Indy and La La Land

Alex Massie's is scathing about the state of the SNP - and rightly so.

"Consequently, no significant attempt has been made to understand or interrogate the reasons why Yes lost. As such, a decade later the SNP has made no progress on essential questions such as currency, the border and fiscal reality. It isn’t fit to fight another referendum even if one were to happen.

"In such circumstances all that’s left is make-believe. Leading nationalists such as Nicola Sturgeon pile unreality atop unreality. Scotland will be independent, Wales will have more autonomy, Ireland will be united. Britain is more surely doomed than ever. All of this is wishful thinking. 

"The truth is that the UK survived its near-death experience a decade ago and now, perhaps surprisingly, it is nationalism, not unionism, which looks and feels tired and trite and, at least for now, yesterday’s story."

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