Proud Palestinian Dad?

Without the unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and credible security guarantees against similar, future attacks on innocent Israeli civilians - a general ceasefire in Gaza would effectively be a surrender to terrorism.

"On the morning of Saturday, October 7, a Hamas terrorist called his parents from the phone of an Israeli woman he had just murdered. “Dad, I am in Mefalsim, your son killed Jews” he crowed. “I killed ten with my bare hands. Their blood is on my hands! I was the first to enter. Please be proud of me, Dad.”

"A recording of this call was played to foreign journalists in Tel Aviv this week, to demonstrate to the world the savagery let loose upon southern Israel by Hamas a fortnight ago. Footage filmed by blood-crazed and jubilant Hamas operatives moved experienced and hard-bitten foreign correspondents to tears. 

"This was horror on a staggering scale. And it is the context and catalyst for everything that has happened since. It should not, cannot, be ignored."

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