Peace and Medieval Mindsets

Deborah Ross was understandably 'floored' by the open letter from Artists for Palestine UK which bizarrely failed to mention Hamas, its barbarity and the slaughter of innocent civilians in Israel which provoked the latest crisis in Gaza.  


"The fact is, there was no mention of Hamas. There was no mention of the rape, torture, kidnapping and murder of babies, children, grandparents, young people dancing peacefully at a peace festival."

The truth is Hamas 'freedom fighters' must have looked this 80-year old grandmother (Carmela) and her granddaughter (Noya) in the eye before deciding to murder both of them in cold blood - before setting fire to their bodies as a final insult to their families and the Israeli people.

Now I'm all in favour of peace and a two-state solution, but how do you negotiate peace with people who behave this like and with the medieval mindset that is Hamas? 


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