Scottish Government and Equal Pay

The BBC reports that Scotland's police officers are the latest group to receive special recognition from the Scottish Government which has found an additional £125 million over the next 3 years to fund a 6.5% pay increase. Now I don't begrudge police officers a pay award which adds and extra £40 million every year to the Police Scotland pay bill - well in excess of £400 million over the next 10 years. But if the Scottish Government can find that kind of extra money for police officers, school teachers and the shipbuilding industry - surely they can find a way to help Glasgow City Council meet the costs of equal pay. For example, allowing Scotland's largest council to borrow £500 million and repay this over over 50 years would provide Glasgow with a way forward, but the City Council can't do this on its own - only the Scottish Government has the power to make this happen. Scottish police o...