Trump's Child Hostages

Photo credit - Getty
Donald Trump's government is entirely responsible for the policy of separating young children from their parents at the US border, which they justify on the grounds that 'irresponsible' adults are putting their own children at enormous risk by entering America illegally.
In yet another of his shameful lies Trump is trying to pin the blame for this heartless policy on his political rivals with the bogus argument that if only the Democrats would cooperate in building his much vaunted wall, along America's southern border, there would be no 'illegal aliens' to deal with in the first place.
Now Americans have different views on immigration and the circumstances in which people can claim asylum, but there is no excuse for this cruel and barbaric policy of removing children from their parents.
If you ask me, these young kids are being used as 'hostages' in a nasty political fight that stems directly from the President and The White House.
Message for Trump (15/03/18)

"A person who thinks about building walls.....and not about building bridges, is not a Christian."
Pope Francis with what must surely be a message for Donald Trump.