Glasgow - Equal Pay Update

I enjoyed this Facebook post from an equal pay claimant in Glasgow who urges her colleagues to play their part and get 'stuck in' over the fight for equal pay.

You know I'm fed up reading the moaning posts on here, what about us...why aren't we getting our money !! Have you actually personally attended any meetings, went to annoy your MP, MSP and councillors?? 

If you haven't don't whine !! Emails are no good, they just send you out a standard response usually or just ignore it. Get in there and annoy the life out them at their surgeries. Get the point across to them face to face !! 

Be prepared.  

Take copies of the gradings that most Scottish Councils use and tell them that the WPBR has to be scrapped. List all your tasks that you carry out as I think most people still think we just visit Wee Betty or wee Jimmy in their nice wee houses and give them their dinner and a wee cup of tea and maybe a wee scone! ! 

Tell them about the times that you've had to sit and wait with an ill service user till a doctor or ambulance arrives as they have no one else or their family can't make it till maybe well over your shift is finished. Tell them about the responsibilities that you have sometimes having to make a quick decision about their health or life. Get them told !! 

I'll be posting details of my elected representatives surgeries shortly and hope the more the merrier in the same areas come with me. 

Let's do this and make them listen!!

I couldn't agree more and after the summer holidays are over that's exactly what we need to do because up until now Glasgow's Councillors, MSPs and MPs have hardly had a word to say on behalf of their constituents.

I don't recall anyone speaking out over the 'unfit for purpose' WPBR or the pay scheme's blatantly discriminatory 37 hour 'rule' which was designed to disadvantage the Council's largely female workforce.

Now things have got to change and once people are back their holidays, we need to organise meetings across Glasgow with the city's 85 Councillors, 8 MSPs and 7 MPs.    


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