Glasgow Update (24/08/17)

A kind reader sent me a copy of an update letter from the GMB union following the big victory at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

Now as regular readers know the GMB played no part in this appeal hearing and did not support the challenge mounted by A4ES, Unison and Unite.

Gary Smith, the GMB regional secretary in Scotland, says that the union has 'already started to register more Employment Tribunals in anticipation of this result' which is a quite extraordinary thing to say if you ask me.

Because if the GMB was anticipating the result, why didn't the support the challenge to the JES and WPBR mounted by the other claimant organisations - A4ES, Unison and Unite?

I wrote to Gary Smith (by email) one a week ago suggesting that we work together in the interests of all the claimants, but never received an acknowledgement never mind a reply from the GMB.

If you ask me, the GMB should simply put its hands up and admit that the union has made a terrible hash of its members equal pay claims in Glasgow - and offer to make good any financial loss people have suffered as a result.

The GMB is a big, wealthy organisation - why should its low paid members suffer for any mistake that their union has made?   

GMB Scotland Update - Court Of Session Judgement – Glasgow City Council
Job Evaluation 

The Court of Session has held that the Job Evaluation System used by
Glasgow City Council is invalid and cannot be used by the council to
defend the equal pay claim against them. 

This judgement overturns previous rulings at an Employment Tribunal and
Employment Appeal Tribunal. GMB Scotland has already started to register
more Employment Tribunals on behalf of members in anticipation of this

There will be a lot of noise around the judgement. It does have massive
implications for Glasgow City Council in terms of potential costs and it
could even mean having to re-evaluate every job in the council. It may be
that Glasgow City Council will appeal the judgement to the Supreme Court
so this could drag on for years yet.

The judgement has only just been published and we will communicate further
as soon as our lawyers have had a chance to look at the detail of the
judgment. GMB Scotland will deal in the facts and get more information out
to our members as soon as it becomes available.

Gary Smith 

GMB Scotland Secretary


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