North Lanarkshire Update

As of close of play on Friday (9 December2016) I can confirm that 966 A4ES clients (97%) have returned their settlement offers. 

So only 28 (3%) are still outstanding.out of the original total of 994.

North Lanarkshire Council have confirmed to A4ES that they will be processing the first batch of payments for 330 claimants in week beginning Monday 12 December 2016.


North Lanarkshire Update (07/12/16)

I promised to keep Home Support Workers in North Lanarkshire up-to-date with the settlement offer process. 

The current position is that as at close of play yesterday (Tuesday) 861 settlement offers out of 994 (87%) were carefully checked, countersigned and passed over to North Lanarkshire Council for payment.  

38 new settlement documents were send out to night-shift HSWs on Monday and these will be turned around as quickly as possible. 

As always there are a number of people on holiday and some who have changed address without notifying the A4ES office, but these are small numbers in total. 

A handful of individuals have not responded to their letters and if there are any 'missing' A4ES clients at the end of the settlement process, I will post their names on the blog site in the hope that readers in North Lanarkshire can help us to track them down.


North Lanarkshire Update (04/12/16)

I receive lots of emails on a daily basis asking if I know when North Lanarkshire Council will pay Home Support Workers the back pay that they are due from the job evaluation (JE) review.

The straight answer is "No, I don't" - otherwise I would say something on the blog site, of course.

All I know is that A4ES/HBJ Gateley are passing on the completed paperwork as quickly as they can, having checked and countersigned the documents.

Not all of this is straightforward because some clients have completed the paperwork incorrectly (which means it has to be sent back out) while others are on holiday or, in a few cases, even moved abroad.

In any event things are going 'at full speed' as they say and I'll let everyone know via the blog site once all of the documentation has been passed over to North Lanarkshire Council for payment. 


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