The Nasty Party

Theresa May has yet to be really tested as Prime Minister, but to her great credit she once had the courage to call her own party out when back in 2002 May described the Conservatives as - the Nasty Party.

As the chairman of the Conservative Party, Theresa May told it to her audience straight when she said in a conference speech: 

"There's a lot we need to do in this party of ours. Our base is too narrow and so, occasionally, are our sympathies. You know what some people call us – the Nasty Party."

In the following article for the Politics Home website Kevin Schofield lays bare the extent of abuse that is now an everyday event inside Jeremy Corbyn's Labour party.

Now wonder Theresa May is now enjoying a 64 point lead over her rival Jeremy Corbyn in the popularity stakes.

'We voted Corbyn in for a reason - to keep traitorous Blairite/Liberal scum like you out'

By Kevin Schofield - Politics Home

Under-fire Labour bosses have revealed the extent of online abuse which has forced them to suspend thousands of party members.

The Labour leadership contest has seen a huge increase in online abuse
Credit: PA Images

A briefing note sent to members of the Labour's national executive committee lists examples of the foul-mouthed, racist and violent posts uncovered by party investigators.

It emerged this morning that action was taken against one member who said he wanted to "cut Tony Blair's eyes out and set him on fire the murdering c**t".

But the document handed to the NEC contains dozens of further examples of unacceptable comments.

One aimed at sacked Shadow Foreign Secretary Hilary Benn said: "'We voted Corbyn in for a reason, and that reason was to keep traitorous Blairite/Liberal scum like you out Benn. This orchestrated coup by liberals is disgusting, even dragging Camoron into it with his two penn'th. All MPs who resigned should be deselected and kicked out of the party."

Another said: "If the PLP forcibly replace Corbyn with some Blairite c**t, I'll cancel my membership and never vote for them again."

And another wrote: "If there were any justice this murderous lying bastard would be hung... What a disgraceful excuse for a Labour MP you are - you're a "sneering traitor"."

One member wrote to Lilian Greenwood, who quit as Shadow Transport Secretary: "What is the collective term for traitor MPs? A Judas? A Brutus or A Quisling? We the members are behind Corbyn '

Other posts refer to "Zios" - a derogatory term for Jews - and openly boast of voting for other parties including the SNP, Ukip, Plaid Cympru, the Greens and Tories.

Jeremy Corbyn has also been the victim of online trolls, with a picture of him appearing to so a Nazi salute being captioned “If Adolf won, then why can’t we!?"


The decision to publicise the online abuse comes in response to claims from Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell that the NEC is carrying out a "rigged purge" of Corbyn supporters.

He repeated the claim at a rally in London last night, telling supporters the suspensions were becoming "bizarre".

He said: "To be frank, you want to be careful being here tonight having any association with me. Don't call me as a witness.

"We don't know the numbers yet of the people who are being purged, but some of them are absolutely appalling. We need to make sure we stand by these comrades."


A Labour spokeswoman said: "The Labour party has a robust validation process for all votes to ensure that every vote cast is eligible in keeping with Labour party rules.

"Decisions about individual members are taken by the National Executive Committee.

"The NEC has always been clear that the party should act against this sort of abuse and that it has no place in the Labour party. It is right that members who engage in abuse face being suspended. It is also vital to this process that those applying for a vote as a supporter, who have been abusive on social media, or there is evidence to suggest they do not share the Labour Party’s aims and values, lose that vote.

"The Labour party is and should always be a place of tolerance and open de
bate but it should never tolerate this type of abusive language and threatening behaviour."

Cult of Corbyn (03/09/16)

Supporters of Jeremy Corbyn laughed and jeered at the mention of Kezia Dugdale's name during a recent Labour leadership debate.

But the latest YouGov poll makes grim reading for Corbyn fans as Scots voters label the UK Labour leader as a 'dud' with 60% saying he is performing fairly or very badly in the job.  

Now there's no denying that Corbyn has his admirers, particularly among Labour members who joined the party after the 2015 general election.

Nonetheless Jeremy is regarded as the worst performer of all the party leaders, by far, well behind the Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale to whom Corbyn's cult-like supporters were so rude the other night.  


Facing Down Bullies (27/08/16)

Owen Smith who is challenging Jeremy Corbyn for the Labour leadership at least had the bottle to stand up to the bully boys (and girls) who laughed and jeered at the mere mention of Kezia Dugdale's name at a Scottish hustings event.

As Jeremy Corbyn stood by, Smith commented that it was very odd to witness a Labour audience boo their own Scottish leader.

Strange times we live in right enough.  


Jezza's Bully Boys (19/08/16)

I've noticed that in the Labour leadership debates Owen Smith is often subject to booing and catcalls from Jeremy Corbyn's supporters.

Now the right thing to do in this situation would be for Jeremy Corbyn himself to intervene and tell his fans that this kind of bully boy behaviour not just unpleasant and unnecessary, but that it also sends a terrible message to the wider electorate. 

But that, of course, would require the kind of integrity and political leadership that Jezza so evidently does not possess.


Boos and Boors (11/07/16)

Andy Murray's victory at Wimbledon was a special moment which some buffoons in the crowd tried to spoil by booing when Murray mentioned the Prime Minister, David Cameron, by name. 

As it turns out Murray has much better manners than some of his boorish fans as he explained in a later interview:

"Did I mean to embarrass Cameron? No I certainly didn't.

"I appreciate he came to support yesterday and came to watch and like I said afterwards - it's one of the hardest jobs in the world with lots and lots of responsibility.
"I don't envy anyone who is in a position like that - it's extremely difficult."

Good for him, I say, because party politics have no place at sporting events and the Prime Minister, just like the First Minister, deserves to be treated with a measure of respect on public occasions.  


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