Because of Toledo

A friend of mine responded to an Facebook post I wrote about a recent visit to Toledo in Spain with a link to a track by the Scottish band The Blue Nile - called Because of Toledo.

Now I went to the same school as the lead singer of The Blue Nile, Paul Buchanan, whom I haven't seen in many a year.

So good luck to him wherever he is and whatever he's doing - because St Ninian's High School in Kirkintilloch produced some really stunning talent back in the early 1970s.

Mark Irvine (of course), Paul Buchanan of Blue Nile fame and Peter Capaldi who now stars as Dr Who and previously played the foul-mouthed Malcolm Tucker in 'The Thick of It'.

But if I've missed anyone out, feel free to drop me a note.


Dr Who (09/08/14)

I went to the same school as the new Doctor Who, Peter Capaldi, so let's hear a cheer for our old alma mater, St Ninian's High School in Kirtintilloch.

Now as I recall Peter Capaldi was the year below me at St. Ninian's, but I remember him having an interest in acting and performing because he was never much into football which was my big thing at secondary school, apart from getting myself a good education.  

Anyway, I suspect Peter will bring something different to his role as the new Time Lord and wouldn't it be great if the new series worked in a topical reference to the looming referendum on Scottish independence.

Maybe the new Doctor even has a vote on 18 September, if he's resident in Scotland that is,  but then again being a Time Lord he probably knows the result already. 

Tinseltown in the Rain (25/02/15)

When I wrote the post about Hollywood and Equal Pay the word Tinseltown jumped into my head and then I thought about the track 'Tinseltown in the Rain' by the great Glasgow based group The Blue Nile.

Then I recalled a distant memory that Paul Buchanan (the band's lead singer) was romantically linked with the Hollywood actress Patricia Arquette once upon a time. 

Now how's that for a link!

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