Good Call (07/05/16)

Image result for tip my hat + images

I tip my hat to the reader from North Lanarkshire who predicted that Labour's Elaine Smith would need 'good luck' to hold on to her Coatbridge and Chryston seat in the Scottish Parliament elections.

Because this self-styled feminist and socialist got well and truly hammered with a 25% swing to the SNP dumping her out of a seat she had held for 17 long years since 1999.

Now 1999 is the year that Scotland's councils (including North Lanarkshire) signed up to an historic 'Single Status' Agreement that was intended to deliver equal pay and sweep away years of pay discrimination against tens of thousands of female dominated jobs which had been undervalued and underpaid for years.

Jobs that most people are familiar with, jobs that make the world go round, in a good way: carers, cleaners, cooks, catering staff, clerical workers, classroom assistants and so on.

Yet for all of Elaine's self-styled feminism and socialism, I never once heard or read about her getting stuck into the local Labour-run North Lanarkshire Council for its appalling track record in relation to equal pay over the years.

Which is perhaps part of the reason that her 'luck' ran out on Thursday as local voters went to the polls in Coatbridge and Chryston. 

But just in case anyone is feeling sorry for Elaine, she has managed to make a come back from the political dead by winning a place (4th) on the 'regional list' for Central Scotland, a device which allows 'losers' in the constituency section to become winners all over again.

So Elaine can look forward to another 5 years at Holyrood even though she managed to lose, big-time, the confidence of voters in her local constituency.

Elaine is an enthusiastic supporter of the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, who for my money is a complete 'dud' although readers can make of that what they will.

In any event, none of this detracts from my admiration for the reader who nailed it perfectly with the comment that if the equal pay had involved a private employer, Labour MPs would have been 'screaming from the rooftops'.

Says it all, really. 

NLC Update (04/05/16)

A reader from North Lanarkshire has been in touch with Elaine Smith who is standing as the local Labour candidate in Coatbridge and Chryston constituency.

Now I've written about Labour politicians on the blog site previously, both in Lanarkshire and elsewhere, and the reader's email makes a very telling point if you ask me.

Which is that if the fight for equal pay involved a private employer, Labour politicians of every stripe would have been screaming their support from the rooftops. 

As it happens, the worst offenders have been big Labour-run councils and because Labour politicians feel able to criticise their 'own side', in my experience anyway, many have pulled their punches and failed to speak out on behalf of local constituents.

So good luck to all those standing in the Scottish Parliament elections tomorrow because, as the writer of the email says, some will need it more than others.  

Dear Elaine,

Thanks for your reply.

I think the fact that you " hope " equal pay settlements can be made just about sums up Labour policy.

If it's private employer, you would be screaming it from the rooftops. The fact that it's a Labour run council may have something to do with that.

I see reports that Nicola sturgeon is looking at fines for local authorities who are behaving in this deplorable way. That's got my vote, though no doubt Labour run NLC will close a library to pay for it.

Good luck in the election, I think you'll need it.



NLC Update (14/04/16)

I managed to track down some contact details for Elaine Smith the Labour politician and Labour's parliamentary candidate for Coatbridge and Chryston, part of the North Lanarkshire Council area.

The information comes from the Scottish Labour Party's web site and Facebook. from which readers can see that Elaine styles herself as a hard working constituency campaigner on issues of importance to local residents.

Now I don't have a vote in this contest, but if you ask me, Elaine's claim to be a hard working local campaigner must have a hollow ring to all the workers still fighting for equal pay in North Lanarkshire.

In my experience, Elaine and her two former MSP colleagues (John Pentland and Michael McMahon) have been notoriously reluctant to criticise the local Labour-run Council and to speak up on behalf of their local constituents.   

So let's see what happens on polling day on Thursday 5th May 2016. 

Coatbridge and Chryston

Elaine Smith

Elaine Smith has been the MSP for Coatbridge and Chryston since 1999.  Born and brought up in Coatbridge, she currently lives in the town with her husband and teenage son.  Previously Elaine held positions as a teacher, housing officer and voluntary sector worker. Elaine has gained a reputation as a hard working constituency campaigner on issues important to local residents.

Jeremy Corbyn in Coatbridge this Saturday!

The leader of the UK Labour Party will be in Coatbridge this Saturday evening, speaking at a rally in support of Elaine's re-election campaign.

In both Scotland and across the UK, the Labour Party is changing. This event is a great opportunity for supporters to get along and hear about the need for a Labour Party that will deliver real change for workers and families across Scotland. 

Attendance is by registration only - click the link below to confirm your place.
WHEN: Saturday 9th April, registration 6.30pm for a 7pm start.
WHERE: Coatbridge - details confirmed on registration 

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