Blairites for Corbyn

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Dan Hodges makes a case in The Telegraph for all modernising forces in the Labour Party to vote for Jeremy Corbyn as leader so that the cause of 'idiot leftism' can be tested to destruction.

Now you can read Dan's argument via following link, but I wouldn't pay £3 just to vote in Labour's leadership contest and if I were minded to do so I certainly wouldn't waste my vote on my former colleague who was once a full-time official with the National Union of Public Employees (NUPE).

The reason for this is that Jeremy Corbyn is the kind of Labour Left supporter who would have been about as much use as a chocolate teapot in the long fight for equal pay in Scotland.

Because Jeremy believes in stronger unions (not more representative unions) and as an elected local councillor, in a previous life, Jeremy believes in strong Labour-run councils - just like the ones in North Lanarkshire Council and South Lanarkshire Council which presided over highly discriminatory pay arrangements for many years. 

Now the Labour-supporting trade unions knew that well over 100,000 low paid women workers in Scotland were being paid an awful lot less than their male colleagues doing traditional jobs such as council gardeners, gravediggers and refuse workers.  

Not least because in 1999 the Labour-supporting unions and the big Labour-led councils which controlled COSLA (the employers' body) at the time) signed a landmark equal pay agreement that promised a 'new deal' to a largely female council workforce by putting an end to years of pay discrimination.   

Yet this agreement was never put into effect because of trade union 'leaders' and council employers who essentially share the same Labour Left mindset as Jeremy Corbyn.

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