Double Standards

The reason that I have little time for the Labour party these days is that it's full of hypocrites - and people who behave like hypocrites on a regular basis.

Take last week's Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) at Westminster - during which a 'question' was asked by the Labour MP for Bolsover - Dennis Skinner.

The question was really an attack on the Prime Minister as he prepared to 'swan off' to yet  another World Economic Summit at Davos where - according to Dennis - David Cameron would be in his element rubbing shoulders with other 'posh boys' and the world's great and good.

Now David Cameron had the perfect riposte to this question which was that - if he remembered correctly, he happened to bump into Dennis Skinner's party leader - Ed Miliband - the last time he was in Davos.

In other words, what was the old Labour warhorse banging on about - was this not  just another of Labour's double standards - before he went on to 'explain' how much valuable work was done by world leaders at Davos - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But it's actually much worse than that - because I don't remember Dennis Skinner making such a fuss when Tony Blair went to these global events as Prime Minister - or Gordon Brown for that matter.

Never mind Ed Miliband jetting off to mingle with some of the world's most influential people - while acting only as the leader of the Her Majesty's official opposition.

So you wonder - or at least I wonder - where politicians get off in spouting such nonsense, yet without the slightest hint of embarrassment or shame at the hypocrisy involved. 

I'll also wager a small bet that Gordon Brown - a colleague of Dennis Skinner's of course and a former Labour Prime Minister - was also swanning around Davos last week.

Despite the fact that Gordon's day job is now that of a backbench Labour MP - the member for Cowdenbeath and Kirkcaldy.

Now it could be that Dennis is keeping his powder dry for Gordon Brown - that he will have some words of trenchant criticism to voice another day - but if so, I will be hugely surprised.

In fact, I think I'll eat my hat.

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