South Lanarkshire Update

Just back from an excellent meeting in South Lanarkshire - a good turnout with lots of questions and comments.

One thing people often want to know is how can they help - what can they do to knock some sense into the council?

Well they can certainly raise South Lanarkshire's ridiculous FOI behaviour with local councillors and MSPs - and there's plenty of information already on the blog site explaining how to go about that.

Another area where people may be able to help - is in relation to the treatment of traditional male jobs - roadsweepers, refuse workers, gravediggers, gardeners and suchlike - jobs that attracted big bonus payments.

The men doing these jobs have potentially very useful information - because they know what happened with the council's pay structures when South Lanarkshire introduced Single Status - in April 2004.

So, if you know anyone doing such a job - they might be a relative or friend - then get in touch with Mark Irvine at:

Even if they have left the council or retired in the past few years - they may still have something useful to say or pass on.

Anyone still employed by the council would have nothing to fear from simply telling the truth - and would also be protected from any victimisation by 'Whistleblowing' legislation.

All such enquiries will be treated in strict confidence.

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