The Meaning of Words

Do words actually mean what they say or - when it becomes convenient - can they be regarded as just a random jumble of letters?

Evidently South Lanarkshire Council believes the latter - if its response to my latest FOI request is anything to go by - because here's what the council says about FOI on its publicly funded web site:

"Freedom of Information legislation is designed to ensure openness and accountability. This means that wherever possible, we will make the information you request available to you."

And, as promised, here's a copy of my latest FOI letter - asking for a review of the council's decision to reject yet another request for basic pay information - about male dominated council jobs.

Maybe this Labour-led council will reflect on one of the party's better slogans from the 1990's: 'Say What You Mean - Mean What You Say'.

7 June 2010

South Lanarkshire Council

FOI Review Request Team

By e-mail to –

Dear Colleague

South Lanarkshire Council – FOI Review Request (LSO 3 – SCP 25)

I refer to the letter from South Lanarkshire Council dated 1 June 2010.

I am asking for a review of the council’s decision not to release this information on the following grounds:

1 The information I am requesting should be freely available as it relates to the use of public money and the provision of public services.

2 The information I am requesting is gathered and published routinely by many organisations in the public and private sector - for equality monitoring purposes.

3 The information I am requesting is freely available from other councils in Scotland and at nil cost.

4 The council’s response is at odds with the following commitment given on South Lanarkshire Council’s web site: "Freedom of Information legislation is designed to ensure openness and accountability. This means that wherever possible, we will make the information you request available to you."

5 My request may be inconvenient for the council if its publication confirms widespread pay discrimination against traditional female council jobs, but I fail to see how my request can be regarded as vexatious.

I note that South Lanarkshire Council is not raising any issues about the cost of meeting my request, nor is the council raising any issues about personal data and the Data Protection Act, as it has done previously.

I look forward to hearing from you and if you require any further details or clarification at this stage, please contact me by e-mail at

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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