Glasgow's Lost the Plot

Glasgow City Council has raised an action for costs against some of its lowest paid workers - in the wake of the recent tribunal decision over the Compromise Agreements and settlement process - used by the council in 2005.

The action is not being raised against Action 4 Equality Scotland or Fox Cross Solicitors - but against the thousands of low paid women workers who had the courage to complain about their shameful treatment - at the council's hands.

I say the council's behaviour is a complete disgrace - they may have won the initial tribunal hearing - but their defence was based on narrow legal and technical points.

What's not in question is that the many thousands of women who accepted Glasgow's original cash offer in 2005 - were poorly advised and badly let down by the settlement process.

People did not know the value of their claims - and neither the council or the trade unions advised them properly on this score - nor did the 'independent' lawyers who say they were acting on the employees' behalf.

Effectively, the lowest paid workers within the council were abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

'Independent' lawyers - selected and paid for by the council - gave only very limited advice to employees - about the significance of signing their rights away under a Compromise Agreement.

But no one gave them any advice about the real merits of their claims - or whether they would be better off potentially by taking their claim to an Employment Tribunal.

The council's actions seem designed to intimidate people - and may well not have the political support of the council's elected members.

Why would Scotland's biggest council try to squeeze money out of their lowest paid workers - largely low paid women who were all let down by the council in the first place?

So, if you are as angry about the council's behaviour as I am - let the new council leader, Gordon Matheson, know what you think. His e-mail address is:

Alternatively you can contact your own local councillor - their contact details are available from the council's web site:

If enough people raise the roof - it will help stop this nonsense in its tracks.

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