Boys and their Toys

A regular reader has been in touch to ask why Tony Woodley's top of the range Range Rover - failed to get a mention in my recent post about Unite - the largest union in the UK.

See post dated 6 June 2010- 'In Charge of the Office'.

True, the general secretary's fancy car does seem a bit excessive - newspapers report the cost at a whopping great £45,000.

But what people do with their own money - by and large - is their own business, in my opinion.

And if boys want to spend large sums of money on grown up toys - then that's up to them - I think.

But if the car in question is being provided as part of the general secretary's remuneration package - then that's another matter altogether.

After all, why should Unite members pay for such extravagance out of their union contributions?

If Unite wants to set the record straight - I'm happy to share this information on the Action 4 Equality Scotland blog site.

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