Whiter Than White

When the New Labour Government was elected in 1997 - it came to power on a wave of optimism and hope for the future.

After the sleazy years of the Tories - Tony Blair proclaimed that, as Prime Minister, his government and ministers would be different - in fact they would be 'whiter than white'.

So, it's all the more shocking to see three former Labour ministers - who were at the heart of the Labour government until relatively recently - all jostling hard to get their noses in the trough.

"I'm like a cab for hire", said Stephen Byers - former Transport Secretary - to undercover reporters from the Times newspapers and Channel 4 Dispatches programme - which is being shown at 8pm tonight.

And at up to £5,000 a day - would you believe - expenses not included!

Former Health Secretary, Patricia Hewitt, and former Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon - are mired in similar allegations - and they both have extensive 'outside interests' as well.

But all three of them claim to have done nothing wrong - as most MPs' did over their expenses, of course - they now say they were just musing about life after the general election - when they will no longer be MPs.

Just who do these people think they are?

The New Labour slogans as the party came to power and took office in those heady days - now seem like a sick joke.

"For the many, not the few"

"Say what you mean and mean what you say"

"Things can only get better"

Aye, right - D-Ream on.

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