Glasgow - Compromise Agreement Challenge

The hearing on Glasgow City Council's Compromise Agreement resumes next week - Glasgow claimants are welcome to attend - so long as you're not one of the test claimants.

The case is now known as Connor & Others v Glasgow City Council and the hearing is scheduled to last for 5 days - from Monday 15 to Friday 19 March 2010

The venue is the Glasgow Employment Tribunal Office (details below) which is 10 minutes walk from Central Station – west along Bothwell Street towards Finnieston.

Glasgow Employment Tribunal Office

Eagle Building
215 Bothwell Street
G2 7TS

Phone: 0141 204 0730
Fax: 0141 204 0732

Tribunal hearings normally run from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm – but if you want to sit in on the hearing - you don’t need to stay for the whole day’s session.

Anyone attending should make themselves known to Carol Fox - who will be there on behalf of Fox Cross Solicitors.

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