Edinburgh City Council - Catering Managers

Another attempt is being made to knock some sense into Edinburgh City Council - over its decision to exclude Catering Managers from recent equal pay settlements.

The council's argument is that these jobs are not 'manual worker' jobs - but have always been APT&C or 'white collar' jobs - and that they were always graded as such going back to the days of the old Lothian Regional Council.

We say this makes no real difference - because the Catering Manager post was never properly job evaluated - and that those in the job now should have their claims settled on the same basis as other catering staff.

Other councils - such as Glasgow - happily settled their Cook Supervisor/Catering Manager claims - without any fuss.

So, why should Edinburgh City Council be any different?

The council has gone off to consider its position - but if there is no change, the legal action against Edinburgh will continue - on behalf of the Catering Managers and other excluded groups.

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