Labour and the Unions

Unite is all over the news today - with reports that the country's largest trade union has given away £11 million to the Labour party over the past four years.

Money, of course, that's been raised from ordinary union members - the great majority of whom don't even vote Labour at election time.

If any of these vast sums have gone towards promoting the cause of equal pay - then the members should be asking for their money back - because it's not been well spent.

Labour run councils up and down the country - have said one thing then done another when it comes to equal pay.

Some of them are still trying to pull the wool over people's eyes.

The council employers have been dragged 'kicking and screaming' - into implementing the 1999 Single Status (Equal Pay) Agreement.

Not because of the trade unions - but because Action 4 Equality Scotland took up the challenge of equal pay.

All this money being shovelled into the coffers of just one political party is undemocratic - because it does not reflect the politics and views of ordinary union members.

Unite members should be asking what their £11 million has been spent on.

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