Compare and Contrast

If you've ever wondered about double standards inside trade unions - just compare and contrast what's going on in the refuse collection service.

Both Edinburgh and Glasgow are facing industrial action - with rubbish piling up on the street - to defend the earnings of traditional male jobs.

Jobs which for years have been paid 50% or 60% more than many women's jobs - despite being on lower grades.

So, a refuse worker has for the last 10 years been earning £9 to £10 an hour - while most women's jobs have been stuck on £6.00 or less.

But have the unions haven't been kicking up a stink about what the women get paid?

Of course not - because they've been far too busy keeping women members in the dark about the size of the pay gap - when, in fact, the unions have negotiated the hidden bonuses and better rates of pay for these traditional male jobs.

The end result is that Home Carers, Classroom Assistants, Catering and Clerical workers - all doing highly responsible jobs - have been getting paid much less than refuse workers.

And if the unions get their way - things will stay that way - because the present industrial action does nothing for the interests of women workers.

So, the next time a union says: "We'll take up your equal pay claim for you" - just reflect for a minute on what a treacherous lot they've been - for the past 10 years.

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