All Spin - No Substance

Here’s the text of a GMB notice sent in by one of our regular readers:

Equal Pay – Male Workers

A recent employment tribunal decision means that men in predominantly male worker groups, who the council did not include in the scope of Equal Pay awards .........have the same right to equal pay as women.

If you believe you may have a claim contact GMB........

What’s remarkable about this notice – apart from being badly written and good for a laugh – is that:

1. Stefan Cross Solicitors fought and won the tribunal case referred to in the notice – the GMB was not even involved

2. Previously the unions told non-bonus earning men to ‘get lost’ - that they had no claims for equal pay

3. Now they’re trying to jump on the bandwagon – but as usual they’re at the coo’s tail – following not leading the fight

The lesson to be learned is that the unions have no shame – they will say just about anything rather than admit the truth – which is that they failed to stand up for equal pay when it really counted.

No amount of spin and disinformation can hide that fact.

So, if you want someone to look after your interests properly – contact Action 4 Equality Scotland – because the unions have lost all credibility when it comes to equal pay.

Ring us on 0845 300 3 800 or contact Mark Irvine at:

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