Angry Union Members

Here’s another repeat post from 23 July – for any readers who were on holiday at the time.

The calls and e-mails keep coming in from angry readers - who say they were told a lot of nonsense about transferring their equal pay claim to the unions.

Some people were panicked by false reports about hidden charges - others by daft stories about Stefan Cross going out of business.

One person was rightly outraged that a union claimed to be acting on her behalf – even though she had never been a member of that union.

But in any event, the good news is that none of this union propaganda is true – and that any problems can be put right very quickly.

You can switch your claim back to Action 4 Equality Scotland and Stefan Cross very easily – and given how the unions often treat their members - that’s exactly what people are now doing.

Here’s what one reader has to say:

“As a union member for over six years I have had a few dealings with them, but I never get anywhere. You pay your money and get the same answer every time - nothing they can do to help.”

“Their favourite answer is put it in writing. I pay them every week, so why should I put it in writing?”

So, if you want Action 4 Equality Scotland to take up your claim – ring us on 0845 300 3 800, or contact Mark Irvine at:

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