Calling Glasgow

We are seeking information about Glasgow's WPBR (Workforce Pay and Benefits Review) - which introduced new pay and grading arrangements for all council workers.

Readers in Glasgow may be able to help us - by avoiding the need to submit time consuming FOI (Freedom of Information) requests.

Under Glasgow's WPBR - council employees receive additional payments for Working Context and Demands - but the current rates in use are not published or easily accessed - even though there's no good reason for this lack of openess and transparency.

The old rates introduced in 2006 were

Level 0 - No payment (pound to a penny most people in this category are women!)
Level 1 - £ 480 a year
Level 3 - £ 600 a year
Level 4 - £ 756 a year
Level 5 - £ 960 a year
Level 5 - £1200 a year

The information is available on the council intranet (which is not accessible to the general public) - but council employees are able to get hold of the details, so long as they have access to the council's internal computer network.

We believe the basis of these payments is discriminatory - that traditional male jobs benefit disproportionately from the scheme - and that it was in fact designed for that purpose.

So, if you can assist in speeding things up - by finding out the current details and passing them on - you will be performing a public service and helping the cause of equal pay.

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