
Showing posts from July, 2024

October 7 - Cold Blooded Terrorist Executions

Knowingly or not, the people who chant 'from the river to the sea' at pro-Palestine protests are endorsing the cold blooded murders of innocent Israelis which took place on October 7. Including the  cowardly execution of defenceless people fleeing or begging for their lives by heavily armed Hamas 'freedom fighters'.

Rosie Duffield - Knocked It Out The Park!

Rosie Duffield romped home with a hugely increased Labour vote in Canterbury. Well done!  

Free Gaza - From Hamas!

A leaked video shows Hamas terrorist leaders arriving in Tehran, welcomed by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards. After committing the October 7th genocide in Israel, like cowards, they hid in civilian clothes, used women and children as shields, and fled #Gaza . Don't be… — Amjad Taha أمجد طه (@amjadt25) July 3, 2024 Hamas leaders arrive to a hero's welcome in Iran after fleeing Gaza in the wake of the terrible terrorist atrocities of October 7 in which innocent Israelis were murdered, raped and kidnapped. Free the hostages - end terrorism - ceasefire.

Bullies, Misogynists and Angry Mobs

Horrible scenes from Birmingham where @jessphillips has to face down aggression and intimidation. — For Women Scotland (@ForWomenScot) July 5, 2024 Labour's Jess Phillips faced down an toxic mix of bullies, misogynists, infantile leftists and religious sectarianism in winning her seat of Birmingham Yardley. Angry mobs of zealots are out to undermine democracy.  

Scotland, Self-ID and the SNP

Reality catches up with John Nicolson and the SNP - ain't no such thing as a lesbian with a penis. The voters don't agree with self-ID and the absurd notion that men can just magically declare they are women.

SNP, Gaza and NHS Waiting Times

They might as well be claiming they will cure cancer, put a Scotsman on Mars before 2029 and raise The Titanic! — The Tortoise 💎🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🥬🥦🐢 (@BBCbreakingNewt) July 2, 2024 Is it just me - am I the only one who thinks John Swinney and his former health minister, Humza Yousaf, have spent more time talking about Gaza during the election than they have on tackling the dreadful NHS waiting times? 

SNP - Sleaze, Scandal and Failure

The Scottish Sun is urging its readers to ditch the SNP and vote Labour. The paper's front page from 2016 shows how far the party has fallen under three discredited leaders - Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney.

How Embarrassing!

  The National, normally an SNP fanzine, reports that Team Swinney comes in a lowly fourth - in a poll asking readers who they're going to support in today's General Election!

Bores and Hypocrites

Shameless hypocrite and terminal bore Val McDermid met the Queen at Holyroodhouse yesterday. The same Val McDermid who travels around the country wearing an anti-monarchy T shirt. You couldn't make it up. — Agent P (@AgentP22) July 3, 2024 Hilarious post from Agent P about one of Nicola Sturgeon's favourite writers - Val McDermid.  

Swinney In Denial

The unnecessary pain, biased committee/evidence process, whipping of MSPs to vote, lack of engagement with women that disagreed, name calling by FM, cementing division, none of that was the fault of @thesnp @Scotgov apparently. @JohnSwinney is in denial #GE2024 #RespectOurSex — Scottish Feminist Network (@Scot_Feminists) July 3, 2024 Fair comment from the Scottish Feminist Network - it's not possible for John Swinney to reinvent himself and the SNP over women's rights, self-ID and men magically declaring themselves to be women. Swinney's been at the heart of the SNP government for the past 17 years - he helped Nicola Sturgeon ride roughshod over reasonable objections and said nothing when male criminals were being placed in women's prisons. Swinney is part of the problem - part of the SNP's government by gang.  

Vote Early, Vote Often - Vote The SNP 'Chancers' Out!

  Whatever you do today make sure you vote - this is the moment to repay the SNP 'chancers' who have let Scotland down so badly in recent years. For their lies and deceit over Covid, the revelations on SNP finances, for out-of-control NHS waiting lists, ghost ferries, drug deaths, sex pest scandals, Morocco Mike Matheson - and of course their botched efforts to impose self-ID on Scotland.

Swinney, Stonewall and Self-ID

John Swinney has only been in government for the past 17 years and was Deputy First Minister when the SNP agreed with Stonewall's proposal to drop the word 'mother' from the Scottish Government's maternity policy. More appalling SNP waffle - you’d think he’d have a clear view on the subject after all this time!

Not So 'Honest' John

Marion Calder said: “John Swinney again claimed there are only two genders, so he should explain why his government funds lobby groups to spread the idea there are at least 17 and has produced a barmy ‘non binary’ action plan,” — For Women Scotland (@ForWomenScot) July 2, 2024 After his car crash 'two genders' BBC interview John Swinney is now under pressure to explain why the SNP funds lobby groups who claim there are multiple genders. For Women Scotland asks a fair question - so what's the point of the SNP's ' non-binary action plan'?  Swinney, Stonewall and Self-ID ( July 01, 2024 ) John Swinney has only been in government for the past 17 years and was Deputy First Minister when the SNP agreed with Stonewall's proposal to drop the word 'mother' from the Scottish Government's maternity policy. More appalling SNP waffle - you’d think he’d have a clear view on the subject after all this time!

Glasgow and the SNP

Recent opinion polls suggest the SNP are in for a well deserved bloody nose in tomorrow's general election. If  the trend continues, Glasgow's SNP MSPs will all lose their seats as well in the next Scottish Parliament election - including Humza Yousaf and Nicola Sturgeon. Now this would be a good thing in my view because SNP politicians (MPs and MSPs) have been woeful at standing up for Glasgow - they have nothing to say about the poor state of the city, how filthy and run down Glasgow has become in recent years.   It's telling, for example, there are no Glasgow MSPs in John Swinney's cabinet.   SNP - Glasgow Branch Found Wanting ( July 11, 2021 ) The SNP group in Glasgow City Council have consistently refused to rock the boat with Scottish Ministers over local government spending - yet the SNP can find plenty of money for other cockamamy schemes such as abolishing the council tax for under 22-year-olds.  Meanwhile Glasgow's constituency MSPs (all SNP) have been as

July 4th - SNP Out!

My friend James is a good barometer for what's going on in Glasgow and Scottish politics. On July 4th James tells me he's definitely not voting for the SNP, as he's done in the past. Good call! 

Andy and Jamie - Brothers In Arms

Andy Murray may have been forced to bow out of the Wimbledon singles tournament, but he still plans to play in the doubles with his brother Jamie. So good luck to them - I hope they win!  

Trade Unions Cannot Unilaterally Withdraw Representation

On the day @JohnSwinney claimed women's spaces were protected by the EA2010, a female NHS worker in Fife has revealed she is going to tribunal after being suspended for being uncomfortable changing with a man. Her dignity & privacy counted for nothing. — For Women Scotland (@ForWomenScot) June 28, 2024 Trade unions cannot just refuse to represent members who require professional advice and support. Members pay subscriptions which entitles them to a proper service and they can't be turned away on the whim or 'say so' of a local union official. For certain they cannot be denied support for rejecting the notion that men can self-ID and magically declare they are women - not least because these 'gender critical' views are protected under the law. In all my years as a trade union official, first with NUPE and latterly as Unison's Head of Local Government in Scotland,  I never once encountered a situation where a member was denied repr

Swinney, Davey and Self-ID

Nicky Campbell: How many genders are there? @JohnSwinney : — What Is A Woman Campaign (@WhatIsAWomanUK) July 1, 2024 John Swinney and Ed Davey  both look about as sure-footed as a pantomime horse in talking about women, sex, self-ID and gender. John Swinney now wants a debate after passing a dumb law which would have allowed men to self-ID and magically declare they are women! The vast majority of Scots reject this nonsense of course strongly disagree with both Swinney and Davey .   Nick Ferrari: Can a woman have a penis? @EdwardJDavey : — What Is A Woman Campaign (@WhatIsAWomanUK) July 1, 2024  

Glasgow's Getting Worse - Not Miles Better

SNP run council blasted over 'damning' report into state of Glasgow city centre — The Daily Record (@Daily_Record) July 1, 2024 Glasgow's Chamber of Commerce slams the city's SNP run council with a damning report showing 410,000 fewer visitors in May 2024 compared to May 2023 - and a year on year fall in sales of £237 million. Anyone who lives or works in Glasgow can see the decline for themselves and the city's politicians - councillors, MSPs and MPs - all need a good boot up the arse. Starting on July 4 by booting out Glasgow's current crop of MPs - all ineffectual SNP timeservers who have failed to speak up about the poor state of the city's public realm.

Fair Comment on Single Sex Spaces

Good news @UKLabour . @Keir_Starmer is slowly getting up to speed. Womens rights should not be diluted to accommodate males with transgender identities. 👏👏👏 — Cathy Devine (@cathydevine56) July 1, 2024 Fair comment by Cathy Devine - women's rights should not be diluted and undermined to accommodate men with transgender identities. Is Keir Starmer finally, belatedly getting the message?

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Dolly Parton has given millions of dollars to get books to poor children. Some (insert adjective here) person has written a paper accusing Dolly of “white saviourism” and that her program is “potentially dangerous”. 1/ — Jennifer 🟥🔴🧙‍♀️🦉🐈‍⬛ 🦖 (@babybeginner) July 2, 2024 More woke nonsense - this time attacking Dolly Parton   for a scheme which sends free, quality books to any child under 5 who requests one.

Ain't No Such Thing As......A Trans Toddler!

It’s the mothers. — Rothmus 🏴 (@Rothmus) July 1, 2024 It's the most absurd nonsense, child abuse and exploitation - adults living out their bizarre fantasies at their children's expense. 

Good John Swinney Joke

It’s a mystery — Aye News (@newshacksreboot) June 30, 2024 Why is Scotland's first minister dressed up for a Hen Night in Glasgow - when he should be working 24/7 on bringing NHS waiting lists down?

Labour, Women and Single-Sex Spaces

Confused about what will happen to women-only spaces under Labour? No need! Here's their clear and unambiguous position: Rachel Reeves MP: Labour will protect women-only spaces based on biological sex. Bridget Phillipson MP: men with gender recognition certificates can access… — J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 29, 2024 Labour's reality deniers continue to try and face both ways on the subject of women-only spaces. 

Swinney, Stonewall and Self-ID

That pause... — mandy rhodes (@holyroodmandy) July 1, 2024 John Swinney has only been in government for the past 17 years and was Deputy First Minister when the SNP agreed with Stonewall's proposal to drop the word 'mother' from the Scottish Government's maternity policy. More appalling SNP waffle - you’d think he’d have a clear view on the subject after all this time!

Bragg - What A Silly Billy!

“Same shit, different day.” @billybragg absolutely spot on as usual. The same arguments used against trans people today were used about the gay community in the 80s. 🏳️‍⚧️ — Derek Watson (@derekwatson89) June 30, 2024 What an ignorant comment from Billy Bragg - gay men in the 1980s were not pretending they could turn reality on its head by self-identifying and declaring they had magically become women.   It’s the most absurd nonsense!