The Fight Against Fascism

Here's a photo of my Uncle Edmund during the Second World War and one of my Uncle Pat - two brothers from the same family who were involved in the fight against Hitler and fascism.

Edmund served in the Highland Light Infantry while Pat had a role in battle communications.

I remember Edmund and Pat with great fondness - they would both have laughed at being held up as 'heroes', yet the truth is that without people like Edmund and Pat the world we live in now would be a very different place.  


Family Photos (13/04/20)

Here's a photo of my grandmother, Mary Fitzgibbon, with her two oldest children and Edmund and Pat.

My uncle Edmund was the eldest child and four daughters followed after Pat: Kathleen, May, Sheila (my mother) and Nora.

A seventh child (a boy named Joseph) was stillborn, if I remember correctly.

Edmund and Pat both served during the Second World War - Edmund was a real character, full of fun and always brought a smile to your face; Pat was quieter and more reflective, but no less interesting to be with for all that. 

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