Posthumously 'Transed'

The great economist and revolutionary Karl Marx joins a long list of historical figures who are being posthumously 'transed' - including Alexandrina the Great, John of Arc, Attila the Hen and Williamina Wallace.

What a hoot!



Who's Next - Williamina Wallace? (February 26, 2022)

Brechin City Unveil Bizarre Mel Gibson Braveheart Statue Outside Stadium

I wonder if William Wallace is among the historical figures who some folks (eg queer theory activists) like to claim were transgender?

If I remember the folklore tales correctly, Wallace once disguised himself as a woman to escape capture - though his pursuers must have been easily fooled because William or Williamina was supposedly 7 feet tall.

Marmite' Mel Gibson Braveheart statue finds new permanent home at football  club - Daily Record


Alexandra the Great? (February 18, 2022)

Alexander the Great - The Rise of a Legend - Season 1 Complete - Ancient  History - YouTube

Transgender activists are desperately trying to rewrite history with bonkers claims about Viking hordes being 'trans' - along with famous historical figures such as Joan of Arc.

After writing my post about Attila the Hen a regular reader wondered if Alexander the Great might be next in line? 

I do hope not. 


Attila the Hen (February 14, 2022)

I can hardly wait for some Glasgow trans activist to demand henceforth that Attila the Hun must become known as Attila the Hen!

 Attila the Hun - Death, Quotes & Facts - Biography

BBC Scotland - Mirror Mirror, Series 1, Episode 12, What's your favourite Scottish  slang word?


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