Scotland's Fire Service - Misogynistic Bullying

If a senior union official can be subjected to such an ugly campaign of misogynistic, homophobic bullying - I wonder what life is like for other women firefighters and those from minority groups?

An independent report into London's Fire Brigade has concluded the service is institutionally misogynistic and racist.

Given Denise Christie's experience I suspect the same is true in Scotland as well.

Scots trade union chief claims she faced homophobic abuse during election contest

Denise Christie of the firefighters' union said she suffered from homophobia and bullying during an internal election

By Paul Hutcheon - Daily Record

Denise Christie

A gay trade union chief has claimed she was branded a “rug muncher” in a bitter contest to lead Scotland’s firefighters.

Denise Christie said she was the victim of bullying and homophobia during an internal election that saw her lose to a male colleague.

She blasted: “If I was a straight man, I would not have suffered the treatment I have suffered.”

As the first female Scottish Regional Secretary of the Fire Brigades Union ( FBU ), Christie has been a key figure in a male-dominated union.

She sought re-election this month but Ian Sim was declared the winner.

In a Facebook post, Christie congratulated Sim but also lifted the lid on the nastiness she faced from elements inside the union.

“During this election, I kept a dignified silence on the conduct of individuals (some anonymous) and the treatment I have personally received for having the audacity as a gay woman to stand in an election.

“I make reference to my sex and sexuality as I firmly believe that if I was a straight man, I would not have suffered the treatment I have suffered.

“That treatment included sexism, bullying, ridiculing and homophobia to support an organised smear campaign against me with false allegations around my work within the union over many months.

Christie, who joined the fire service in 1997 in the Lothians, continued: “I have been on the receiving end of sexist memes, I have been described as “the bitch” “the she devil” and a “rug muncher” to name a few.

“I have been personally blamed for the actions of men, been bullied and ridiculed on social media (to the point where I had to take a break from it for my own mental health) and been accused of focussing too much on equality, specifically my unapologetic support for women in our union and the fire service.”

She continued: “Those that have spoken out against the bullies, have challenged inappropriate actions and who have continually done the right thing to do even when it was the hardest thing to do - you will always have my gratitude.

“This election has bruised me, shaken my confidence and at times made me question if it was all worth it. This is the first time I have ever spoken publicly on my experiences as a woman within our union and the fire service.

“Regardless of the bruising, I will be carrying on much to the dismay of some. It will take much more than smear campaigns from cowardly anonymous accounts to keep a strong sister down. I have fought continually for equality and for more representation of women and that is not going to change.

“The price of equality is eternal vigilance and eternally vigilant I will be.”

In a supportive post, the National Women’s Committee of the FBU wrote: “Denise has shown integrity given what she has been going through in the public forum and behind closed doors.

“Sexism and all the comments below have no place in the FBU or the fire service and this only proves that women and minority groups need the sections to provide safe spaces, support and solidarity to name a few.

“The behaviours shown by those using such derogatory words and comments are nothing but disgusting and abhorrent and need to be addressed.”

Matt Wrack, general secretary of the FBU, said: “We thank Denise Christie for her long and outstanding work for firefighters and the Fire Brigades Union. She has been a pioneer for women in the fire service and in our union.

“We as a union stand against discrimination in all its forms. Denise raises serious and alarming issues and we will look into these and discuss with Denise and with FBU officials in Scotland.”

Ross Haggart, Deputy Chief Officer of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said: “I was extremely disappointed to see the nature of the comments that have been made to Ms Christie during the election process for the FBU Scottish Regional Secretary.

“This type of abusive language is used to intimidate, bully and demean people, and is completely at odds with the core values of our service.”

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