Taxi Driver Day of Remembrance

With the murder rate amongst taxi drivers standing at an astonishing 8 per 100,000 what I'd like to know is:

When are we having a Taxi Driver Day of Remembrance?


Laughable and Insulting (November 20, 2022)

The Welsh Parliament's attempt to exploit the language of remembrance for the trans lobby is laughable and insulting especially to those with families and loved ones who fought in real conflicts including the fight against fascism and Hitler. 


The Fight Against Fascism (November 13, 2022)

Here's a photo of my Uncle Edmund during the Second World War and one of my Uncle Pat - two brothers from the same family who were involved in the fight against Hitler and fascism.

Edmund served in the Highland Light Infantry while Pat had a role in battle communications.

I remember Edmund and Pat with great fondness - they would both have laughed at being held up as 'heroes', yet the truth is that without people like Edmund and Pat the world we live in now would be a very different place.  


Family Photos (13/04/20)

Here's a photo of my grandmother, Mary Fitzgibbon, with her two oldest children and Edmund and Pat.

My uncle Edmund was the eldest child and four daughters followed after Pat: Kathleen, May, Sheila (my mother) and Nora.

A seventh child (a boy named Joseph) was stillborn, if I remember correctly.

Edmund and Pat both served during the Second World War - Edmund was a real character, full of fun and always brought a smile to your face; Pat was quieter and more reflective, but no less interesting to be with for all that. 
Lest We Forget (November 13, 2022)

A humbling and moving interview from November 2020 with Harry Billinge who took part in the D-Day landings.


Lest We Forget (08/11/20)

'In Flanders Fields' by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae - a Canadian who was inspired to write the poem after presiding over the funeral of his friend and fellow soldier, Lieutenant Alexis Helmer, who died at the battle of Ypres.  


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