Women's Sex Based Rights Under Attack
This, without question, is one of the most powerful articles I have ever read on the issue of gender wars. Hail @HadleyFreeman, and @unherd for providing the platform: https://t.co/e1wbLqmA8A
— Julie Bindel (@bindelj) February 21, 2022
Julie Bindel is spot on with her praise for this excellent article by Hadley Freeman.
"I have no doubt that transgender people suffer horrific bigotry in this country and everywhere. But when I found the statistics showed one trans person is tragically, killed a year in the UK, but two women are killed a week in England and Wales, I was accused of engaging in 'the victim Olympics."People who claimed to care ever so deeply about women’s physical safety during the MeToo movement now sneered at any woman who expressed doubt about sharing private spaces with male-bodied people.
"The most obvious example here was JK Rowling, who wrote about how her experiences with domestic violence informed her views, an inconvenient truth her critics conveniently ignored. Women are raised to fear male strength, and with very good reason. And now we’re called bigots for doing so."