Waste Of An Expensive Education!
Embarrassing for @CaiusCollege that their students confront knowledge like toddlers, not scholars. https://t.co/vXBHNMG5Iq
— Sonya Douglas (@SonyaDouglas) October 25, 2022
University students in Cambridge embarrass themselves with an attempt to disrupt a talk from Helen Joyce, author of "Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality"
What a waste of an expensive education.
So grateful to Arif Ahmed for arranging and Partha Dasgupta for facilitating. And very grateful to the young people who turned up and asked probing questions, rather than joining the pot-bangers or curling up in the safe space. You should be genuinely proud of yourselves
— Helen Joyce (@HJoyceGender) October 25, 2022

Perfect Answers For Puritans (August 05, 2022)
Matt provides the perfect answer to intolerant puritans who are offended at the mere thought of being exposed to free speech and challenging debate at university.