Glasgow, The Hidden Lane and the Not So Hidden Midden

Here's a reminder of what the 'Not So Hidden Midden at the Hidden Lane' looks like throughout the year!

Now NSHM was given a 'wee spruce up' this time last year when COP26 was in Glasgow, but as I predicted it's now as bad as ever!

Glasgow, COP26 and 'Manky Messes' (July 16, 2022)

As regular readers know, these council bins next to the 'Hidden Lane' on Argyle Street are an ugly eyesore on a regular basis.

Curiously, they were removed just in time for COP26 (see post below dated 01/11/2021).

So we had a 'wee spruce up' for international delegates arriving in town, but now it's back to the same old manky mess.  


How Do We Fix The Glasgow Midden? (July 15, 2022)

Argyle Street, Finniestion, yesterday (Thursday) - what an appalling, ugly mess! 

Part of the answer to cleaning up the city has to be more bins, bigger bins and/or more frequently emptied bins. 

Maybe we can shame Glasgow City Council into action if more people highlight examples of what's going on in their own local areas. 

Sprucing Up Glasgow - Argyle Street, Finnieston (December 04, 2021)

So the overflowing bins that were removed from Argyle Street during COP26 are back - and they're as nasty and ugly as ever.

Surely the only answer is more bins, bigger bins or bins that are emptied more frequently?


Sprucing Up Glasgow - Argyle Street, Finnieston (November 01, 2021)

So the bins on Argyle Street which were such an unsightly mess on Saturday night have now been removed altogether, presumably as sprucing up measure during COP26.  

But where will local residents put their rubbish for the next two weeks?

Sprucing Up Glasgow - Argyle Street, Finnieston (October 31, 2021)


I met a couple of American delegates from Washington DC in Finnieston last night - they are attending the COP26 climate change conference.

The council refuse bins outside on Argyle Street were in a terrible state.

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