Glasgow - Making Staff Pay For Someone Else's Mess

Here are the elected councillors who sit on Glasgow's City Administration Committee which considered the controversial report about a new round of voluntary redundancies.
I'll publish the full report when I get a minute (probably tomorrow), but it's worth noting that front-line staff are almost certainly ineligible for the scheme - because they are regarded as 'key workers' whose jobs would need to be replaced.
The City Administration Committee is chaired by the Council leader, Susan Aitken, and although it's early days yet I suspect there will be a campaign to put the politicians on the spot over this idea of getting the workforce to pay the price for fixing GCC's 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme.
Kyle Thornton | Member |
Susan Aitken | Convener |
Chris Cunningham | Member |
Mhairi Hunter | Member |
Ruairi Kelly | Member |
Bill Butler | Member |
Maureen Burke | Member |
Thomas Kerr | Member |
Soryia Siddique | Member |
Matt Kerr | Member |
Kim Long | Member |
Allan Gow | Member |
John Letford | Member |
Elaine McDougall | Member |
Martin Rhodes | Member |
Jennifer Layden | Member |
Kenny McLean | Member |
Anna Richardson | Member |
Frank McAveety | Member |
Archie Graham | Member |
David McDonald | Vice Convener |
Allan Young | Member |
Michelle Ferns | Member |
Glasgow - Making Staff Pay For Someone Else's Mess (21/03/20)

Glasgow City Council (GCC) may be under new political leadership, but it's up to its old tricks again with the news that council staff are to be asked to pay for fixing its discredited, 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme with a new round of voluntary redundancies.
Now I've yet to read of any Glasgow politicians - MSPs, MPs and councillors - speaking out and condemning such a move, but if I do I'll share the details on the blog site.
In the meantime, the read full report via the link below to The Herald.
Glasgow council looks for voluntary redundancies
By Stewart Paterson - The Herald

The council is to open a voluntary redundancy scheme to reduce the total wage bill.

The council is to open a voluntary redundancy scheme to reduce the total wage bill.
The council is to open a voluntary redundancy scheme to reduce the total wage bill. It said it is necessary to cope with ever-tightening budgets and also ongoing costs following the equal pay deal agreed last year.