Glasgow - Job Evaluation Update

The Coronavirus outbreak has caused huge amounts of disruption across the globe, but this has also led to new ways of working (from home where possible) to ensure that normal, everyday life doesn't grind to a complete halt. So I'm pleased to report that the vital work of replacing Glasgow's 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme continues, at least as far as A4ES and the trade unions are concerned. In recent days our resident A4ES job analyst - Giuliana (Jules) Mazzoni - has been wracking her brain to come up with a way of continuing with her work and has come up with a great solution by conducting JE interviews via Skype or telephone. Jules has been pushing ahead with the JE exercise, despite the uncertainty caused by the Coronavirus epidemic, and is working remotely to support jobholders in Glasgow City Council whose jobs are due to be evaluated. What this means in practice is that Giuliana will send all participants a link to the JE questionnaire...