Lies, Lies.... and More Lies

Here's a timely reminder of what the Leave Campaign said about 'No Deal' before the EU referendum.

Yet after all this time and the failure of the Leavers to deliver their many false promises, we are told that the result of an advisory referendum is sacrosanct.

Which is another good reason for saying "Bollocks to Brexit!"


Lies, Lies....and More Lies (02/09/19)

The case for Brexit was built on a whole series of lies - lies about an extra £350 million a week for the NHS, lies about the withdrawal negotiations being the easiest thing since sliced bread and lies about UK businesses being strangled by European 'red tape'.

And here's Boris Johnson demonstrating that more than three years after the EU referendum - absolutely nothing has changed.

Which is why we should say - Bollocks to Brexit and demand a People's Vote.

"I want you to consider this kipper..."@BorisJohnson held a smoked kipper above his head claiming regulations imposed by 'Brussels bureaucrats' were damaging the trade.

But the European Commission has debunked this claim - latest politics: 

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