Trump's (Cough) Tax Returns

It's not the cough that carries your off - but the coffin they carry you off in!

Donald Trump takes exception to his chief of staff Mick Mulvaney coughing during an interview and asks him to leave the room.

The coughing started as Trump gave some rambling non-answer about his financial affairs and refusal to release his tax returns.

So who knows, maybe it was a signal to the boss to stop digging himself into such a big hole on 'live' TV?

Because Trump has reneged on a promise to release his tax returns - even though every American president has done so going all the way back to Richard Nixon. 


Trump's a Disaster (17/06/19)

Donald Trump fired off one of his dumb tweets the other day attacking the London Mayor and calling Sadiq Khan a "disaster" because of the city's violent crime rates.

But here's how London's homicide rates compare with major cities in America - a subject on which Trump has virtually nothing to say. 


Presidents and 'Village Idiots' (13/06/19)

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Here is the President of the United States bragging about a "beautiful letter" from a brutal dictator, showing him preference over his own CIA like he's promoting another crappy reality TV show.

This is dangerous and shouldn't be overlooked or dismissed. (via @politico )

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Somewhere in America a small town is missing its 'village idiot'.


A Tale of Three Presidents

I’d like to say words of comfort and solidarity with the French nation, also as citizen of GdaÅ„sk, 90% destroyed and burnt, later rebuilt. You will also rebuild your cathedral!
From Strasbourg, French capital of the EU, I call on all 28 States to take part in this task.

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Compare and contrast the words of Donald Tusk (President of the European Council) with the ramblings of the 'village idiot' in the White House.


A Tale of Two Presidents (16/04/19)

Donald the 'doofus' rises to the occasion, yet again.


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