More PayFest News - Have a Great Night!

Here are some lovely messages and words of support from Glasgow Claimants - not everyone can make next week's big equal pay party at The Barrowlands, but even those that can't be there are wishing their colleagues well.

Hi Mark,

Firstly a HUGE big thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your own, Stefan’s, Karl’s, Katy’s, Frances’ and the rest of the team’s (who we don’t hear about) hard work and dedication in getting us our equal pay (I know how important and hardworking the behind the scenes folk are too).❤️

Thank you doesn’t seem enough ⭐️. You’ve all earned your wings already for this in my opinion πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ.

This is life changing for many of us ❤️.

Unfortunately I can’t make the Payfest party 😒 as I had already booked our family holiday when the date was announced (that’s my wedding anniversary too so could’ve brought my Husby and got the night off to a cracking start)!πŸ™‚.

I would however like to contribute towards the memorial (is that the right word) - so can I purchase a ticket without actually taking the ticket?

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all you wonderful people and your very understanding lovely families!

I look forward to hearing from you with regards to the above.

Kindest regards,

L (and K & R)

Hi Mark 

I would of loved to of went to the PayFest night but unfortunately I am off sick so I am going to miss it.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all very much for what you have done as this money will make my life so much better, hope the night goes well and have fun, 

J 😊

Hi Mark 

Can I have 4 tickets please?

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart x


I’m sorry mark this is my week on for working and I couldn’t get the night off to come and celebrate with you all so I hope yous all have a great night thanks again 


Looking forward to a great celebration x 


Already have tickets ..can't wait, b fab nite ....all down to action4equalityscotland x


Hi, I am not going to make the big party as I have to look after my mum who has advanced Dementia. 

I just want to thank you and hope you have a great night.



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