Glasgow's Second Class Citizens

Glasgow City Council has just issued an insulting letter to Home Carers (via Cordia) which invites staff to work extra hours and shifts in the run up to Christmas.

The letter says that Home Carers have the "opportunity to consider the following options on a voluntary basis": 
  • working some of their unspent annual leave - on their current rate of pay 
  • agreeing to work additional shifts for a 10 week period up to 16 December 2017 
Now the laugh is that if traditional male jobs such as Gardeners, Refuse Workers and Gravediggers were doing these additional hours and shifts, they would earn premium  rates of pay.

So if you ask me, it's completely outrageous that Home Carers are being offered far inferior terms than their male colleagues for working beyond their normal contracted hours.

Because this kind of discriminatory practice should have ended many years ago by virtue of the new national Single Status (Equal Pay) Agreement which every local council in Scotland and all the trade unions signed up to back in 1999.

In effect, Home Carers in Glasgow are being treated like 'second class' citizens by the City Council and this is a perfect illustration of what the fight for equal pay is all about. 


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