North Lanarkshire Update

I said in a recent post that I would be writing to Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's new First Minister, regarding the behaviour of North Lanarkshire Council over equal pay.

I did so on Friday by email and have set out a detailed argument inviting Scottish Ministers to intervene using their powers under the Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) (Scotland) Regulations 2012.

So watch this space for news because later this week as well I am due to receive a response from North Lanarkshire Council in relation to my recent FoI request which asked for further details of the Council's performance 'bonus scheme' for its most highly paid officials.

NLC and Equal Pay (24 November 2014)

I said in a recent post that I would be writing to Scotland's new First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, to highlight the ridiculous behaviour of North Lanarkshire Council over equal pay.

I plan to do so this week, but in the meantime here's a picture of Nicola Sturgeon with her new cabinet which has a 50/50 split between women and men, and a more youthful feel as a younger generation of politicians pick up the baton.

Curiously, the BBC reported the news online in the Scotland section of its web site, but not in the UK section which I find rather odd given the potential that Scottish voters have for influencing the outcome of the May 2015 general election, particularly if we sweep away all of the 'deadwood' Labour MPs who currently sit in the Westminster Parliament.  

Nicola Sturgeon announces new Scottish cabinet

Nicola Sturgeon with the new Scottish government cabinet outside Bute House

Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced the make-up of her new senior ministerial team, with an equal split of male and female members.

Finance Secretary John Swinney was named deputy first minister, while Ms Sturgeon's close ally Shona Robison, was promoted to health secretary.

Michael Matheson was named as the new justice secretary, replacing Kenny MacAskill.

Mike Russell was replaced as education secretary by Angela Constance.

Opposition parties said the new cabinet now had to tackle the problems brought about by previous bad decisions.

The reshuffle also resulted in:
  • Roseanna Cunningham promoted into the cabinet as fair work, skills and training secretary.
  • Keith Brown promoted into the cabinet as infrastructure, investment and cities secretary
  • Alex Neil staying in the cabinet, but moving from health to social justice, communities and pensioners' rights
  • Richard Lochhead remaining environment secretary, a post he has held since the SNP came to power in 2007
  • Fiona Hyslop remaining as secretary for culture, Europe and external affairs
Ms Sturgeon said: "The aims of my government are clear: to create a nation that is both socially democratic and socially just, a nation that is confident in itself and governed effectively and a nation which will address poverty, support business, promote growth and tackle inequality.

"The new cabinet team I have announced today will pursue these priorities with verve, vigour and determination."

The first minister added: "Every member of the cabinet is part of this government's top team on merit, on the basis of the excellent work they have already done as ministers.

"The cabinet line-up is also a clear demonstration that this government will work hard in all areas to promote women, to create gender equality and it sends out a strong message that the business of redressing the gender balance in public life starts right here in government."
Nicola Sturgeon announced that John Swinney would be deputy first minister by tweeting a picture of the pair
Ms Sturgeon announced Mr Swinney's appointment on Twitter
Mr Swinney said it was a privilege to be deputy first minister
Mike Russell also took to Twitter to announce his time in government had come to an end

Ms Sturgeon began her reshuffle by announced Mr Swinney's new job on Twitter.

Mr Swinney, who led his party between 2000 and 2004, responded: "It is the greatest privilege for me to be appointed deputy first minister of Scotland. I will do all I can to serve my country."

Following Ms Sturgeon's earlier offer to work with opposition parties on improving Scotland, Labour MSP Jackie Baillie said: "I look forward to them supporting Labour's policies to tackle the many problems that their predecessors have left for them.

"It's time to put the referendum result behind us and get on with governing the country for the benefit of the people of Scotland."

'Walking liberal'

Willie Rennie, the Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, said the new cabinet needed a new approach.

Mr Rennie attacked Mr MacAskill's handling of plans to end the requirement to corroborate evidence in criminal trials, as well as the "routine" arming of police and the carrying out of stop-and-search procedures on children.

"Nicola Sturgeon likes to talk liberal, but the real test is whether she'll walk liberal," he said.

"The SNP cabinet stood behind Kenny MacAskill's illiberal centralisation agenda at every twist and turn."

Meanwhile, Scotland's senior law officers, Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland and Solicitor General Lesley Thompson, will continue in their current jobs.

Ms Sturgeon will announce her junior ministerial appointments later on Friday.

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