Devo Max (2 November 2011)

Last week I wrote about Max Power - the alter ego of Homer Simpson who decided to reinvent himself as a new, dynamic and more exciting character.

The talk of the steamie this week is Devo Max - which sounds a lot like Max Power, but is really about striking the right balance between different levels of political power and decision making.

In Scotland, the current SNP government is committed to holding a referendum on independence during the latter half of this parliament which suggests sometime in 2014.

But there has been speculation that there may be two questions on the ballot paper - not just a straight Yes or No.

If there are two questions, the second question would be along the lines of - Do you support the devolution or transfer of more powers to the Scottish Parliament?

In other words - Devo Max or Max Power - or Independence Lite as some say.

Now Devo Max is a similar political arrangement to what happens in parts of Spain, Catalonia for example, where most day-to-day powers are transferred to the Catalan government in Barcelona.

So while some of the big strategic issues, such as foreign policy and defence, remain the responsibility of the national government in Madrid - Catalonia has effective control of much of its economic policy.

Across the world there are a variety of different solutions to the same problem - the balance of powers between state and federal government in America or the relationship between Quebec and other provinces of Canada.

And so Scotland faces the same issue over Max Power and Devo Max.

Except that the unionist parties - Labour and the Conservatives - seem to be afraid of giving the voters that extra question on the ballot paper.

Which is a very high risk strategy.

Because it might just push more people into the independence camp - particularly if Labour and the Tories run a very negative campaign - based on Scotland not being able to stand on its own two feet.

The Scots - as a people - are mighty thrawn.

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