Cut Down to Size

I enjoyed this letter from Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, which appeared in The Herald newspaper the other day.

I've often wondered why David Torrance is introduced on TV as Alex Salmond's biographer, but now we know the truth; the man is self-appointed and does not even have tacit approval to speak on the First Minister's behalf.   

Alex Salmond's reply to David Torrance

NOW that I have time on my hands to read newspapers, I noted the musings from my self-appointed biographer David Torrance (Why the Salmond magic is in need of a revisionist take, The Herald, September 22).
I understand, of course, that thus far the general Scottish response to the referendum is the exact opposite of what Tory-leaning David would have wished, and also he must be totally devastated by my standing down - thus depriving him of a lucrative income stream.
However, allow me just two observations. First, I hardly know David Torrance. And secondly - and much more problematically for a biographer - he doesn't know me at all.
Rt Hon Alex Salmond MSP,
First Minister,
Bute House, Edinburgh

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