Sexual Politics

The news of sexual shenanigans at the highest level of the US army and security services - comes as no great surprise.

Because down the ages men and women have allowed temptation to lead themselves astray - going all the back to the Garden of Eden - if you believe in stories from the Bible.

But the thought that occurred to me when I read about America's CIA Director - David Petraeus - having to resign was - 'How come appointed and elected officials in the US are treated so differently?'

Not that long ago President Bill Clinton was embroiled in a sex scandal which at first he flatly denied with the famous words - 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman!'

The woman in questions being Monica Lewinsky - a young intern, a potentially vulnerable and inexperienced member of his staff - yet Bill's 'trouser problem' still got the better of him - despite his position of trust and responsibility. 

Now I've heard people say that this young woman threw herself at the President and that this junior member of staff was to blame - not the most powerful man in the world.

Which is as daft as it sounds - of course.

Because what if Monica was reaching for Bill's wallet - would he still have been 'putty in her hands' or would he have had her thrown immediately off of his White House team?

On the other hand the former four star general - David Petraeus - simply put his hands up, accepted that he was completely in the wrong - and resigned from his post as CIA director.

Whereas Bill lied and dissembled for years - even though both affairs were directly connected to the two men's workplaces and working environment - which means they could not remotely be described as 'private' affairs.

To my mind it's a question of leadership and integrity - David Petraeus accepted that he had lost his authority through his own behaviour - and should stand down.

On the other hand Bill Clinton 'soldiered' on - becoming the first American President to be impeached while still holding his office of state - pouring even more poison into the waterhole of American politics - and making a terrible fool of himself, and his family, in the process.

I have to say I prefer the reaction of David Petraeus over Bill Clinton - although there's no doubt that sexual philanderers throughout history have down great things.

But in my book that doesn't mean politicians and society more generally shouldn't learn from the past and insist on higher standards of behaviour going forward.

Especially where the behaviour of people in high office - is connected with their workplace and professional responsibilities.

One Dominic Strauss Khan (DSK) springs to mind - and to think that this former boss of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) might now be - if things had worked out differently - the President of France.

Sacre bleu.

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